A site dedicated to the bold proclamation of the gospel.
Romans 1:16
1Corinthians 1:18

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Baptism And A Public Confession.

      The nature of saving faith, and the sincerity of our submission to Christ, are such that a public confession of Jesus is a natural outflow of our salvation.
     Likewise Jesus commands that we all follow Him in water baptism, the sign of the inward transformation that has occurred within us.
     Paul says if we confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord, and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead, we shall be saved (Romans 10:9-10). See, the inward work of the Holy Spirit within us, will compel us to publicly confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of our lives. We are giving up all to follow Him. Someone who has been convicted of sin, and brought to true repentance and faith will express this.
     In the same way one who has truly repented of their sin and professed faith in Christ will submit to water baptism. Mark says "He who believes and is baptized will be saved" (Mark 16:16). Peter instructed the crowd in Acts 2:38 to repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of their sin.
     The act of water baptism is a symbolic way of professing our death to sin and self, and our being raised to a new life in Jesus Christ (Romans 6:3-7). The act itself does not save anybody (1Peter 3:21). It is the inward appeal to God in repentance and faith that He looks at. This is expressed in the act of baptism.
     Many individuals look to the thief on the cross for an example that baptism does not matter. They say he was not baptized yet he went to paradise with Christ (Luke 23:40-43). Well, he had no chance to be baptized! He was a dying man on a cross. Had he been shown favor by the Romans however, and freed from the cross, no doubt as soon as he had the strength to, he would have been baptized. It would have been inherent in his saving faith.
     I understand that many today are not baptized upon their confession of faith out of ignorance. They just don't know that Jesus commands this. I don't doubt their salvation one bit. Someone might get into an accident and be killed on the way to the river before they are baptized, and I believe God sees the intention of their heart and honors their faith.
     It is only pride that will keep someone from publicly acknowledging Christ. Jesus will be ashamed of one who is ashamed of Him (Luke 12:8-9). Someone who looks at baptism and thinks it does not matter because it is not an issue of salvation only shows the shallowness of their commitment to Christ. They are not real! There is something lacking in their faith. As I said earlier, an individual who has truly repented and exercised saving faith will be more than willing to obey Christ in this matter. It is not a matter of getting by, picking and choosing what to obey and what to disregard. The child of God desires to do the whole will of God. He delights in it!
     Friend, have you repented of your sin? Have you placed your faith in Christ for the forgiveness of your sin? Have you made a commitment to follow Jesus as Lord? If so, profess it! Be baptized in obedience to Christ, as the sign of your new birth.

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