A site dedicated to the bold proclamation of the gospel.
Romans 1:16
1Corinthians 1:18

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Are You Aware of the Symptoms?

     Many individuals are surprised by bad news at the doctors office. To their surprise, they are often diagnosed with serious illnesses, that they had no idea they had.
     They may have had this illness for some time without realizing it. Often they come in for what they believe to be a minor thing, and find out that it is the symptom of something far worse.
     It is like that with sin, and being in a lost condition. Millions go through life not considering their true spiritual condition. They have no clue that they are indeed dead in trespasses and sin, facing the just wrath of God. They think they are basically good people, and God would never punish them for their sin. Most have no clue what sin really is, and that they are indeed guilty. They just go through life unaware of their condition, and its symptoms.
     The bible tells us that the mind set on the flesh is opposed to God (Romans 8:7). It refuses to submit to God's law. This is the essence of rebellion. This is the person who is dead in trespasses and sin. They will not submit to the authority of God. They want to be in charge of their lives, instead of letting God rule (Ephesians 2:1-3).
     Out of the heart proceed evil actions as Jesus shows us (Matt 12:35; Mark 7:21-23). An evil heart produces evil deeds, and cannot live in the presence of God. Who can ascend the hill of the Lord, and stand in His holy place? The answer is one who has clean hands and a pure heart (Psalm 24:3-4).
     From this we can see what the symptoms are of an impure heart, a heart that is dead in sin. Look again at what Jesus said in Mark 7:21-23. He mentions evil thoughts, fornication, theft, murder, adultery, deeds of coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness.
     Here are more lists containing "symptoms" of a spiritually dead individual.

     Romans 1:25-32

     1 Corinthians 6:9-10

     Galatians 5:19-21

     Ephesians 5:5

     2 Timothy 3:2-5

     1 John 3:15-17

     Revelation 21:8

     Revelation 22:15

     These passages of scripture give us an accurate description of one who is living in rebellion to God. People whose lives line up with these verses, are spiritually dead, and in need of a Savior. These are not my ideas, this is the word of God.
     While God is just in condemning these actions, and pouring out His wrath on those living against His purposes, He is also merciful in showing us our true selves.
     It is just like going to the doctor for a cough that will not go away. We might not want to hear the bad news of lung cancer, and the doctor may not enjoy telling us, but once we know the gravity of the situation, we can get to work fighting the disease.
     It is by the law of God that we see our sinfulness, and come to the end of ourselves (Romans 3:19-20). For those who are now aware of the symptoms, that there is something seriously wrong on the inside, there is hope.
     You see, Christ died for us, while we were yet sinners (Romans 5:8). If confess our sin, that is to confess it to God, and forsake it, we will find grace and forgiveness (1 John 1:9; Acts 3:19; Romans 10:9-10).
     He will make you a new creation, with a new heart, now alive in Christ (2 Cor 5:17; Titus 3:5; Hebrews 8:10).

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