A site dedicated to the bold proclamation of the gospel.
Romans 1:16
1Corinthians 1:18

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Danger of Pride.

     Pride is the downfall of sinful man. It is that attitude of heart that says "I will do whatever I want to do, no matter who it hurts, or how much it offends God".
     A proud individual is actually a "god"  unto themselves, as they reject the rightful authority of God in their lives.
     The scriptures tell us that God is opposed to the proud (James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5). It is impossible for a proud individual to receive grace! I will repeat this! It is impossible for a proud individual to receive grace!
     As long as an individual persists in the stubbornness of his or her heart, as long as they continue to rebel against God and His word, they cannot find grace. their heart is unable to receive it, and God cannot in His righteousness give grace to one who refuses to submit to Him through Jesus Christ.
     I say submit, because that is what true Christian faith requires. It requires a laying down of our rights, a laying down of our stubborn hearts, a laying down of our pride.
     The bible says we must humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God (James 4:10; 1 Peter 5:6). God gives grace to the humble, not the proud. James instructs us to cleanse our hands and purify our hearts (James 4:8). He is not telling us that we are somehow able to save ourselves. He is telling us that we must repent! We must humble ourselves, that is to surrender, lay down our stubborn hearts, turn from our sinful rebellious ways, and submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
     As long as we exalt ourselves above God, we are proud, and cannot receive grace. It is the humble who find mercy. Look at the words of Jesus from the sermon on the mount. Those who mourn, who are poor in spirit, the pure in heart, and the gentle, are the ones who are blessed (Matthew 5:3-8).
     Jesus is saying the same thing. If we desire to belong to the kingdom of heaven, we must change. As we are we cannot enter in. That is why He said we must become as a child (Matthew 18:2-4). He is telling us that our pride must go. We must in humility repent of our sinful pride and lay down our life for Him (Mark 8:34-36). It is not about us, but Him!
     As James says, we must draw near to God with a true heartfelt sorrow for our sin, and turn from it (James 4:8-9).
     He stands ready to forgive and receive you into His kingdom. Will you lay down your pride?

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