A site dedicated to the bold proclamation of the gospel.
Romans 1:16
1Corinthians 1:18

Thursday, October 30, 2014

To Those Who Live In Denial.

     John's first epistle contains many proofs of ones' salvation. We can look at these verses and line up our lives by what the bible is saying to us, and determine if we are truly born again Christians or not.
     John says that if we say we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us (1 John 1:8 NASB).
     Many people today would fit into this category. It has grown common to call things that the bible clearly defines as sin, something other than sin. Many people engaged in homosexuality insist that what they are doing is not sin. They say that they were born with this preference. They go so far as to say that God made them this way. This is blasphemy of a most horrid kind, to actually lay the blame for sinful behavior on the holy God. In their eyes, they have no sin, and are deceived.
     It is popular to turn to psychology for the answers to the evil that lies within the heart of man. If we can convince ourselves that thieves are kleptomaniacs, mass murderers are insane, liars are habitual liars and cannot help themselves, we take the responsibility off of ourselves. Drunkards are said to have a disease, and smokers, drug users, and gamblers have addictions, not sinful habits that they will not give up. This is saying we have no sin. Sadly we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us. Worse yet we are calling God a liar, and His word is not in us (1 John 1:10).
     Our Churches today are filled with people who are living in wickedness, but have cast off all responsibility. To our shame, Pastors and leaders have accepted this line of reasoning, and instead of showing an individual their guilt and need for the Savior, they accept and tolerate their sinful lifestyles.
     These are individuals who have explained away the fact that they are sinners. Instead of confessing their sin, they have covered it.
     The bible says that if we confess our sins we will be forgiven and cleansed from our sins (1 John 1:9). To confess is to agree with God that our sins are wicked, that we are responsible, and that we have offended Him with our rebellious behavior. God is just, and we are not.
     One who feels this way will repent, that is give up their sin for God's sake!  This is the opposite of denying the sinfulness of our lifestyles so we can feel good about ourselves while we persist in our rebellion against God.
     This brings us to the question, "What kind of Christian are You?"  One who claims that God made them the way they are, that his or her wrong behaviors are diseases or addictions that they are not responsible for has not entered through the strait gate (Matthew 7:13). They are on the broad road to destruction.
     It is a narrow way that leads to life, found by few (Matthew 7:14). Are you an individual who has owned up to sin before God with a broken heart? This is what God is looking for (Psalm 51:17).

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